
Monday, April 23, 2012

New Stuff! FCBD! Math?

Hello everyone, here is this week's nonsensical ramblings-
First up, I finished up my latest watercolor over the weekend and here is the final scan of it... the scan is not perfect, they still seem to wash out the lighter colors and also add some strange textures to the image that are not in the actual painting.  However, these are only in a few small areas so I'm not going to worry about it that much.

Ms Marvel in Public 2012 watercolor, hot press paper
  The whole idea I have for this picture and for the rest of the series of paintings is based off the fact that I wanted to keep drawing super heros but I wanted to portray them as normal people doing the normal mundane things and routines that we have in our everyday lives.  I wanted to make these paintings as fine art rather than the graphic qualities we have today in normal comics.  Why?  I just want to do something different with the characters I love in different situations and mediums that I rarely see used now a days.

I also have been working on a few other ideas recently and it has to do with adding some math into my art... wait, huh?  I'm honestly the last person you ever want to ask about math, I'm sure I couldn't even pass math 055 at CMU right now.... but anyways, what I'm doing is as old as art itself or at least from the Renaissance period or so for painting.  I'm going to try to incorporate the Golden Ratio with a special focus on the Golden or Fibonacci Spiral into my work.  Look it up, it's way too much to type.  Wiki it...  Anyways, spirals have so much movement and are very aesthetically pleasing to me so I will be drawing my normal basic forms but there will be spirals creating the whole of my compositions.  I blame all of this on the band TOOL.  I've always loved them and recently I've really been listening to the interesting time signatures  and lyrics they were using in Lateralus and 10000 Days and it got me thinking about Fibonacci, art and life in general and now here we are... Here is a practice drawing I did the other day that has the general idea but without all of the measurements(which I'm sure I probably won't do perfect, because I'm lazy) or ideas I have for the backgrounds...
india ink, pencil on paper-  the hair will especially have all of the spirals the future images... does this one?  only in a few areas.  this is VERY rough btw...

I will also be at Drawn to Comics on Free Comic Book Day (May 5th) with a bunch of amazing artists so check it out here-  www.DrawnToComics.com531341_10150771673929791_53879999790_9338982_1684439702_n.jpg

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I've been up to... Practice

Thats right, I've been practicing with my art techniques.  Nothing special, just trying to fix little things that i tend to mess up often in my art work, correct anatomy, especially hands (which are still a work in progress) and perspective.  Really exciting stuff, I know, but they are essential in professional art and if I keep slacking I'll never get to where I want to be...  So I've gone back to the basics when in reality I should be getting some really nice fancy art done for the Phoenix Comicon next month.  However, I'll find a way to cram in a couple of cool pictures for prints last minute as always.  Anyways, here are some of my practice images that I worked on mostly at work, a conte crayon drawing and a big painting that is a work in progress and still needs a little more work.

watercolor, hot press paper, this one is about halfway done, time for the little details.

more drawing at the job, took about a 30 minutes on this one, the shoulders and delts need some work but I may turn this into a more finished piece.

conte crayon, i haven't used these things in forever!  Love them but it is so different from using the old lead holder.

hulk practice, and the hands still suck but mostly due to the foreshortening of his massive right forearm.  Just needs some tweaks if I turn this into a more finished piece.