So, just as I predicted, I did not post anything new for quite some time. I spent most of my time the past few weeks drawing test pages to turn in for portfolio reviews at San Diego Comicon and finishing up a few other drawings and paintings. I also managed to log about 35 hours of Star Ocean on the PS2 as well some how.... But anyways, here are 2 of the paintings I spent some time on recently. I don't know if they are actually "done" yet but for now I'm not going to do anything else to them without some deep thought. (besides fixing the eye on the one to the right here... holy uneven Batman)

So on to the big show, my 1st experience at SDCC as a "professional." I unfortunately did not have an artist alley table or a small press table but since I've been lucky enough to have a couple of little books published by Spazdog I had the opportunity to go to the show for free. SDCC is overwhelming to say the least. I didn't have enough time off of work to go all 4 days but I wish I could have because the one full day I did go was not nearly enough to see everything I wanted to see or spend the time I wanted to spend talking to artists, friends and of course editors for jobs. I spent most of my time in artist alley talking to some of the greats standing there or just eavesdropping on there conversations with other fans about their work. It was nice to get spend some time with David Petersen there as well. I've known him forever and his work is amazing so I was happy to see his booth in artist alley. I bought a super awesome Mouse Guard shirt and caught up for a bit with him... He chided me for doing the portfolio review which was funny but I told him I wanted to see what the editors thought of my stuff.
I will say the portfolio review was an interesting experience but I don't know if I will spend the time doing that again in the future. I got some nice critiques where they focused on telling me what I need to work on and where my strengths lie so I look forward to trying to implement what they were saying. But overall I think Dave was right, i was the about the 30th person for each of the guys I saw and I think they were a little burnt out and wanting to be somewhere else by the time they got to me. So next time around I will just focus on having fun and try and get into some panels! Which have insane lines by the way. There is no way I would wait 10 hours to see a Superman or Iron Man 3 panel...
So thats about it for now. I will now (finally) start on the next issue of Buddha Monkey and then hopefully work on finishing up Sonic Youth with Shawn one of these days. (and maybe I'll even create a new character in the mean time...)