So I went to the Atomic Comics Locals Only Bizarre Bazaar today and had a great time hanging out with the crew from Spazdog Press as usual. I spent most of time sketching out some new pictures of super heroines and I liked the results so I figured I would share them with you. Chaz from Atomic Comics has a sketch book devoted to Zombie Super heroes and he requested a Zombie Power Girl (he is a big Pee Gee fan like myself ). So I worked on that as well as a "whole" Power Girl because I felt bad making her an ugly Zombie. I also did a sketch of what is supposed to be Saturn Girl, but because I'm not a huge follower of all things DC I got her costume completely wrong. Oh well, she is now just a generic super heroine with big boobs... (once again these images are all out of order and I have no idea why blogspot does this, so sorry...)
I will also announce a new event that I will be attending Samurai Comics Declare Your Independents next Saturday, July 3rd, so come on down and join in the fun. I really doubt you want to be sitting outside in 110 degree weather anyways.